Monday, May 2, 2016

TTIP risiko kepada kesihatan dan persekitaran, 'tekanan Amerika Syarikat pada EU' didedahkan dalam dokumen rahsia yang dibocorkan oleh Greenpeace . . .

i.Borneo Perjanjian perdagangan kontroversi antara EU dan Amerika Syarikat boleh menjejaskan kesihatan awam, hak-hak rakyat, privasi internet dan persekitaran teruk, Greenpeace berkata, memetik teks rundingan bocor. Amerika Syarikat mendesak EU ke atas perjanjian itu, satu laporan mengenai teks mendakwa.

248 muka surat kertas rundingan sulit pada Perkongsian Perdagangan dan Pelaburan transatlantik (TTIP) telah dikeluarkan oleh Greenpeace Belanda pada hari Isnin.

"Perjanjian ini mengancam untuk mempunyai implikasi terhadap alam sekitar dan nyawa lebih daripada 800 juta rakyat di Kesatuan Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat," kata satu kenyataan Greenpeace.

TTIP risks to health & environment, '
US pressure on EU' revealed in secret docs 
leaked by Greenpeace . . .

The controversial trade deal between the EU and the US could affect public health, people’s rights, internet privacy and the environment badly, Greenpeace says, citing leaked negotiation texts. The US is pressuring the EU over the deal, a report on the texts alleges.

The 248 pages of classified negotiation papers on The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) were released by Greenpeace Netherlands on Monday.

“This treaty is threatening to have far-reaching implications for the environment and the lives of more than 800 million citizens in the EU and US,” a Greenpeace statement says.

Kertas #TTIP rahsia tinggal SEKARANG di (Secret #TTIP papers live RIGHT NOW at)  via@greenpeaceNL #TTIPLeaks #stopTTIP #Greenpeace

TTIP adalah "mengenai pemindahan besar kuasa dari orang ramai untuk perniagaan yang besar," menurut kumpulan.

Greenpeace berkata ketulenan kertas 'disahkan oleh pasukan penyelidikan penyiasatan terdiri daripada Rechercheverbund NDR, WDR und media Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Washington menyekat eksport kereta Eropah ke Amerika Syarikat untuk memaksa EU untuk membeli lebih banyak hasil ladang Amerika Syarikat berisiko alam, Sueddeutsche Zeitung dilaporkan selepas menganalisis dokumen.

Pejabat Wakil Perdagangan Amerika Syarikat telah melontar tuduhan itu, enggan mengulas mengenai "kesahihan dakwaan kebocoran," kata jurucakap, sambil menambah, "tafsiran yang diberikan kepada ayat-ayat ini kelihatan boleh mengelirukan yang terbaik dan rata-keluar salah paling buruk , "Reuters melaporkan.

Perjanjian itu akan menyebabkan meninggalkan perlindungan alam sekitar lama, Greenpeace berkata.

"Permintaan Amerika Syarikat untuk pendekatan 'berasaskan risiko' yang bertujuan untuk menguruskan bahan-bahan berbahaya dan bukan mengelakkannya, menemui jalan ke dalam pelbagai bab. Pendekatan ini menjejaskan keupayaan pengawal selia untuk mengambil langkah-langkah pencegahan, contohnya mengenai bahan kontroversi seperti hormon mengganggu bahan kimia, "kata kenyataan itu berbunyi.

The TTIP is “about a huge transfer of power from people to big business,” according to the group.

Greenpeace says the papers’ authenticity is confirmed by an investigative research team consisting of Rechercheverbund NDR, WDR und Süddeutsche Zeitung media outlets.

Washington is blocking European car exports into the US to force the EU to buy more environmentally risky US farm produce, Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported after analyzing the documents. 

The US Trade Representative’s office has shrugged off the allegations, declining to comment on the “validity of alleged leaks,” a spokesperson said, adding, “the interpretations being given to these texts appear to be misleading at best and flat-out wrong at worst,” Reuters reported.

The deal will result in abandoning long-standing environmental protections, Greenpeace says. 

“The US demand for a ‘risk based’ approach that aims to manage hazardous substances rather than avoid them, finds its way into various chapters. This approach undermines the ability of regulators to take preventive measures, for example regarding controversial substances like hormone disrupting chemicals,” the statement reads.

Kertas #TTIP terahsia tinggal SEKARANG. Membaca padanya (Secret #TTIP papers live RIGHT NOW. Read them at)  #greenpeace #TTIPleaks #stopTTIP

Greenpeace telah bimbang bahawa kertas rundingan tidak menyebutkan Pengecualian Peraturan am, yang akan membolehkan negara-negara untuk mengawal selia perdagangan "untuk melindungi, haiwan dan tumbuhan hidup manusia atau kesihatan" atau untuk "pemuliharaan sumber asli batasannya."

"Peninggalan peraturan ini menunjukkan kedua-dua pihak mewujudkan rejim yang meletakkan untung manusia, haiwan dan tumbuhan dan kesihatan," kata Greenpeace.

"Sama ada anda mengambil berat tentang isu-isu alam sekitar, kebajikan haiwan, hak-hak pekerja atau privasi internet, anda harus mengambil berat tentang apa yang ada dalam dokumen-dokumen yang bocor. Mereka menggariskan bantahan kuat masyarakat sivil dan berjuta-juta orang di seluruh DUNIA telah suarakan."

Cecilia Malmstrom, Pesuruhjaya Perdagangan Eropah, menulis blog post, berkata dokumen "mencerminkan kedudukan rundingan setiap sisi ini, apa-apa lagi."

"Ia hanya perkara biasa bahawa kedua-dua pihak dalam rundingan mahu mencapai banyak matlamat mereka sendiri yang mungkin. Ini tidak bermakna bahawa pihak lain memberikan dalam yang tuntutan-tuntutan. Ini tidak bermakna bahawa pihak-pihak akan bertemu separuh jalan, "katanya.

Ketua perunding EU Ignacio Garcia Bercero juga menolak laporan Greenpeace, berkata: "Kami telah jelas bahawa kita tidak akan bersetuju dengan apa-apa yang menunjukkan perubahan rejim pengawalseliaan kami di GM"

Walaupun Perdagangan dan Pelaburan Perkongsian Transatlantic (TTIP) di antara Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah dijangka dapat mewujudkan zon perdagangan bebas terbesar di DUNIA, ramai orang Eropah bimbang perjanjian itu akan meningkatkan kepentingan korporat di atas kepentingan negara. lawan TTIP mengatakan bahawa lebih murah barangan dan perkhidmatan hanya akan menjejaskan EU dan membantu Amerika Syarikat.

Eropah berhujah bahawa syarikat antarabangsa akan diberi kuasa mahal perniagaan kecil dan sederhana. Kerahsiaan sekitar rundingan juga telah datang di bawah kritikan sengit.

Greenpeace has been worried that the negotiation papers do not mention General Exceptions rules, which would allow nations to regulate trade “to protect human, animal and plant life or health" or for "the conservation of exhaustible natural resources."

“The omission of this regulation suggests both sides are creating a regime that places profit ahead of human, animal and plant life and health,” Greenpeace says.

“Whether you care about environmental issues, animal welfare, labor rights or internet privacy, you should be concerned about what is in these leaked documents. They underline the strong objections civil society and millions of people around the world have voiced.”

Cecilia Malmstrom, a European Commissioner for Trade, wrote a blog post, saying the documents “reflect each side’s negotiating position, nothing else.”

“It is only normal that both parties in a negotiation want to achieve as many of their own objectives as possible. That does not mean that the other side gives in to those demands. That does not mean that the parties will meet halfway,” she added.

EU chief negotiator Ignacio Garcia Bercero also dismissed Greenpeace’s report, saying: “We have made crystal clear that we would not agree on anything that implies changes of our regulatory regime on GMOs.”

While the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and Europe is set to create the world's largest free trade zone, many Europeans worry the agreement would elevate corporate interest above national interest. TTIP opponents say that cheaper goods and services would only hurt the EU and help the US.

Europeans argue that international corporations would be given power at the expensive of small and medium-sized businesses. The secrecy surrounding the negotiations has also come under fierce criticism.

Apa yang anda fikir ketelusan kelihatan seperti apa? (What do you think transparency looks like)? #TTIPleaks

Hanya sehari sebelum lawatan Obama ke Jerman, beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan anti-TTIP melanda jalan-jalan di Hanover.

Menurut kaji selidik yang dijalankan oleh peninjau pendapat YouGov bagi pihak Yayasan Bertelsmann, hanya 17 % peratus rakyat Jerman fikir TTIP adalah satu perkara yang baik, turun daripada 55 % peratus 2 tahun lalu. Di Amerika Syarikat, hanya 18 % peratus daripada mereka yang kini menyokong perjanjian itu, berbanding 53 % peratus pada 2014.

Just a day before Obama's visit to Germany, thousands of anti-TTIP protesters hit the streets of Hanover.

According to a recent survey conducted by pollsters YouGov on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation, only 17 percent of Germans think the TTIP is a good thing, down from 55 percent two years ago. In the United States, only 18 percent of people now support the deal, compared to 53 percent in 2014.


Dalam Al Quran Allah Mengarah Perhatian Kita Kepada: ‘Kebajikan’ . . .

Firman Allah Taala:

Bukanlah perkara kebajikan itu hanya kamu menghadapkan muka ke timur & ke barat, tetapi kebajikan itu ialah: (1) berimannya seseorang kepada Allah, (2) Dan hari akhirat, (3) Dan segala malaikat, (4) Dan segala Kitab, (5) Dan sekalian Nabi2; (6) Dan mendermanya seseorang akan hartanya sedang ia menyayanginya, (7) Dan kepada kaum kerabat, (8) Dan anak-anak yatim (9) Dan orang-orang miskin (10) Dan orang yang terlantar dalam perjalanan, (11) Dan kepada orang-orang yang meminta-minta, (12) Dan untuk memerdekakan hamba-hamba abdi; (13) Dan mengerjanya seseorang akan sembahyang (14) Dan serta mengeluarkan zakat; (15) Dan perbuatan orang-orang yang menyempurnakan janjinya apabila mereka membuat perjanjian; (16) Dan ketabahan orang-orang yang sabar dalam masa kesempitan, (17) Dan dalam masa kesakitan, (18) Dan juga dalam masa bertempur dalam perjuangan perang As-Sabirin. 

(Orang-orang yang demikian sifatnya), mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar (beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan): Dan mereka itulah juga orang-orang yang bertaqwa(Al baqarah : l77)

In the Qur'an Allah Directing our attention to: 'Welfare' . . .

AS GOD Almighty Say in the HOLY 'QURAN:

It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West, but righteousness is (1) who believes in Allah, (2) and the Last Day, (3) and the Angels, (4) and the Book , (5) and the Prophets; (6) and giveth wealth, for love of Him, - (7) to relatives, (8) and orphans (9) and the poor (10) and the wayfarer in need, (11) and to those who ask, (12) and for freeing slaves; (13) and be steadfast in prayer (14) and give alms; (15) and deeds of those who keep their promise when they make a promise; (16) and the fortitude of those who are patient in hardship, (17) and in pain, (18) and also in time of war fought in the struggle for As-Sabirin. 

(Such people are), they are the ones who actually (believe and do good works); and they are also those who fear Him(Al Baqarah: 177)

“Don't let yourself left behind by the Train”

TTIP 'Violating the Right Of Others’  . . .

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un,  Ya Rabb

Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. 

WORLD for free! NewPrinciple:  ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!:  *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, Hotels, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly. *Free Life Insurance: (For Free!!! Hospital Fund, Funeral Fund, Death Fund, Pension Fund).

SOLUTION: *Poverty Killer *Recession Killer  *Global Peace 
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