Thursday, April 30, 2015

LEBIH dari 1,800 TERBUNUH Selepas GEMPA Bumi pada Skala Richter 7.9 Melanda NEPAL . . .

Ahli penyelamat Nepal mengeluarkan tubuh daripada Menara Darahara di Kathmandu pada April 25, 2015 (Nepalese rescue members remove the body from Darahara Tower in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015 (AFP Photo/Prakash Mathema)

Borneo@WORK Gempa bumi 7.9 pada skala Richter telah melanda Nepal dan India, membunuh lebih daripada 1,800 orang dan mencederakan beratus-ratus. Kerosakan paling teruk dilihat di ibu negara Nepal, Kathmandu, di mana bangunan runtuh, menguburkan orang yang hidup2 di bawah runtuhan.

BACA lebih lanjut: Dahsyat 7.9 magnitud gempa bumi melanda Nepal, India LIVE TERKINI READ MORE: Devastating 7.9-magnitude quake strikes Nepal, India LIVE UPDATES

Jumlah kematian telah meningkat kepada 1,805 dan satu lagi 4718 orang telah cedera akibat gempa bumi, Reuters memetik pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri Nepal. Kebanyakan mangsa adalah di Lembah Kathmandu pada masa yang gempa bumi itu melanda.

Pusat gempa itu adalah 80 kilometer barat laut Kathmandu, sebuah bandar dengan jumlah penduduk kira-kira 1 juta. Ia adalah pada kedalaman 31km.

Dangkal gempa bumi itu menjadikan keadaan lebih merosakkan bangunan itu digulingkan dan retak besar dibuka di jalan raya.

Over 1,800 killed after 7.9-magnitude Earthquake 
Strikes Nepal . . .

A 7.9-magnitude earthquake has struck Nepal and India, killing more than 1,800 people and injuring hundreds. The most severe damage was seen in Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, where buildings collapsed, burying people alive under the rubble.

The death toll has risen to 1,805 and another 4,718 people have been injured as a result of the earthquake, Reuters cited Nepal’s Home Ministry official. Many of the victims were in the Kathmandu Valley at the time the quake struck.

The epicenter of the quake was 80 kilometers northwest of Kathmandu, a city with a population about 1 million. It was at a depth of 31km.

The shallowness of the quake made it even more destructive as buildings were toppled and large cracks opened in roads.

Pekerja penyelamat Nepal dan penonton berkumpul di Dataran Durbar Kathmandu, sebuah Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO yang telah rosak teruk oleh gempa bumi pada April 25, 2015 (Nepalese rescue workers and onlookers gather at Kathmandu's Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015 (AFP Photo/Prakash Mathema)

Beribu-ribu di Katmandu adalah untuk bermalam di luar rumah mereka - di khemah-khemah sementara, makan makanan yang disediakan oleh sukarelawan - pada menjangkakan banyak gegaran.

Thousands in Katmandu are to spend the night outside their homes – in makeshift tents, eating food provided by volunteers – in anticipation of more tremors.

Orang ramai menunggu di sekolah selepas gempa bumi 7.7 magnitud melanda, di Kathmandu, Nepal, April 25, 2015 (People wait at a school after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck, in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 25, 2015 (Reuters)

Gegaran turut dirasai di beberapa bandar di timur dan utara India, termasuk ibu negara, New Delhi, kata JL Gautam, Operasi Ketua Seismologi Jabatan Meteorologi India (IMD).

Tremors have also been felt in some cities in eastern and northern India, including the capital, New Delhi, said JL Gautam, Head Operations Seismology of Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).

BREAKING UPDATE: USGS upgrades #Nepal quake from 7.5 to 7.9  (pic via@masoomvyas3:13 PM - 25 Apr 2015

Angka kematian akibat gempa bumi di India telah mencapai 36 orang, menurut Reuters, dengan bilangan maksimum kematian direkodkan di daerah Barat Champaran.

The death toll from the earthquake in India has reached 36 people, according to Reuters, with the maximum number of deaths recorded in West Champaran district.

Gegaran turut dirasai di Tibet China di mana 12 orang terbunuh, dengan 4 kematian juga mencatatkan di Bangladesh.

Tremors were also felt in Chinese Tibet where 12 people were killed, with four fatalities also recorded in Bangladesh.

4 dead in this house ;( Kathmandu  2:56 PM - 25 Apr 2015

Sejumlah kira-kira 14 gempa susulan yang berbeza-beza magnitud telah dikejutkan Nepal sejak gempa bumi utama. Mereka merasakan lebih daripada 2 jam selepas gempa bumi itu.

"Usaha menyelamat masih dijalankan. Kami takut bahawa tol mungkin akan meningkat seperti yang kita menebuknya runtuhan," katanya.

Bersejarah Dharahara (Bhimsen) Tower, sejak 1832, runtuh di Kathmandu. Tugu 62 meter tinggi adalah sebahagian daripada Architecture Kathmandu diiktiraf oleh UNESCO.

A total of about 14 aftershocks of varying magnitude have jolted Nepal since the main earthquake. They were felt for more than two hours after the quake.

"Rescue efforts are still underway. We fear that the toll might rise as we dig through the rubble," he added.

The historic Dharahara (Bhimsen) Tower, dating back to 1832, collapsed in Kathmandu. The 62-meter-high monument was a part of Architecture of Kathmandu recognized by UNESCO.

Sebagai pihak berkuasa Nepal merayu bantuan antarabangsa, Perdana Menteri India, Narendra Modi, menghantar satu pengangkut udara tentera 3 tan bekalan dan pasukan tindak balas bencana.

3 lagi pesawat dijangka mengikuti penerbangan pertama, menjadikan hospital mudah alih dan lebih ramai pekerja menyelamat.

Gempa bumi itu menyebabkan runtuhan di Gunung Everest dan membunuh 10 orang, Gyanendra Shrestha Kementerian Pelancongan di Kathmandu berkata.

As the Nepal’s authorities appealed for international assistance, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, dispatched a military air transporter with three tons of supplies and a disaster response team.

Three more aircraft were expected to follow the first flight, bringing a mobile hospital and more rescue workers.

The quake caused an avalanche on Mount Everest and killed 10 people, Gyanendra Shrestha of the Tourism Ministry in Kathmandu said.

People are in open space due to fear. #earthquake #Nepal  2:41 PM - 25 Apr 2015

Gempa bumi itu menyebabkan runtuhan di Gunung Everest dan membunuh 10 orang, Gyanendra Shrestha Kementerian Pelancongan di Kathmandu berkata.

The quake caused an avalanche on Mount Everest and killed 10 people, Gyanendra Shrestha of the Tourism Ministry in Kathmandu said.

"Tol boleh meningkat, ianya boleh termasuk warga asing dan juga Sherpa [orang2 asli yang sering bertindak sebagai pemandu]," katanya.

Kira-kira 1,000 pendaki, termasuk 400 warga asing, telah di kem atau di Everest ketika gempa melanda.

Nepal, yang terletak di kawasan pergunungan antara India dan China, adalah tidak asing kepada bencana alam, dengan gempa bumi paling teruk membunuh lebih 8,500 orang pada tahun 1934.

"The toll could go up, it may include foreigners as well as Sherpas [native people who often act as guides]," he added.

About 1,000 climbers, including 400 foreigners, had been at camp or on Everest when the quake hit.

Nepal, which is situated in a mountainous area between India and China, is no stranger to natural disasters, with its worst earthquake killed more than 8,500 people in 1934.

pic of dharahara destroyed in Kathmandu quake, 400 feared buried Nepal

pic of dharahara destroyed in Kathmandu quake, 400 feared buried Nepal


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