Orang ramai meninjau tapak yang musnah akibat gempa bumi, di Kathmandu, Nepal, April 25, 2015 (People survey a site damaged by an earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 25, 2015 (Reuters/Navesh Chitrakar)
Borneo@WORK - Beratus-ratus orang terbunuh selepas gempa bumi 7.9 pada skala Richter melanda Nepal dan India dengan kerosakan yang paling teruk dilihat di ibu negara Nepal, Kathmandu. Gempa bumi itu juga menyebabkan runtuhan di Gunung Everest.
Hundreds of people have been killed after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal and India with the most severe damage seen in Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu. The quake also caused an avalanche on Mount Everest.
BACA lebih lanjut: Lebih 1,300 terbunuh selepas gempa bumi pada skala Richter 7.9 melanda Nepal READ MORE: Over 1,300 killed after 7.9-magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal
Ahad 26 Apr/Sunday, April 26
06:37 GMT:
Angka kematian dalam gempa bumi yang telah melebihi 2,000 orang, menurut pegawai dipetik oleh AFP.
The death toll in the earthquake has exceeded 2,000 people, according to officials cited by AFP.
06:11 GMT:
250 Israel di Nepal kekal "daripada sentuhan" menurut jurucakap Kementerian Luar dinamakan oleh Yeshiva World News. Pegawai itu berkata, "menurut maklumat yang ada, semua Israel seolah-olah menjadi selamat dan bunyinya". Sebanyak 150 Israel berada di Kathmandu Konsulat.
Two hundred and fifty Israelis in Nepal remain “out of touch” according to a Foreign Ministry spokesman cited by the Yeshiva World News. The official added that “according to the information available, all Israelis seem to be safe and sound”. A further 150 Israelis are in the Kathmandu Consulate.
06:00 GMT:
Hampir 350 warga Australia adalah belum didedahkan dalam Nepal. Jabatan Hal Ehwal Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan berkata 549 rakyat Australia telah didaftarkan sebagai perjalanan ke negara gempa melanda. Setakat ini Kedutaan Australia hanya dapat mengesahkan bahawa 200 daripada mereka adalah selamat.
Almost 350 Australians are unaccounted for in Nepal. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said 549 Australians were registered as traveling to the quake-struck country. So far the Australian Embassy was only able to confirm that 200 of them are safe.
"Walaupun ada laporan mengenai kehilangan banyak nyawa, pada ketika ini tidak ada laporan kematian Australia," kata Menteri Luar Julie Bishop dalam satu kenyataan.
"While there are reports of extensive loss of life, at this point there are no reports of Australian deaths," Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said in a statement.
04:54 GMT:
Jumlah mangsa gempa bumi di Nepal telah dilaporkan meningkat kepada 1,900 orang, dengan 4718 yang lain cedera, menurut Reuters memetik sumber di Kementerian Dalam Negeri di negara ini.
The number of victims of the earthquake in Nepal has reportedly climbed to 1,900 people, with 4718 others injured, according to Reuters citing a source in the country’s interior ministry.
04:13 GMT:
Nepal Gunung Persatuan telah mengesahkan 100 pendaki, yang di atas kem nombor 1 dan 2, apabila gempa bumi melanda, selamat, Reuters melaporkan. Bagaimanapun, persatuan itu menambah bahawa ia telah sukar untuk memindahkan pendaki kerana laluan Icefall yang merbahaya kembali ke kem pangkalan telah rosak.
The Nepal Mountaineering Association has confirmed 100 climbers, who were above base camp numbers one and two, when the earthquake struck, are safe, Reuters reports. However, the association adds that it has been difficult to evacuate the climbers because the Icefall route back to the base camps has been damaged.
The Nepal earthquake touched off an avalanche on Mount Everest, causing injuries and deathshttp://nyti.ms/1Jq4ND4 8:27 AM - 26 Apr 2015
03:12 GMT:
Yang pertama misi menyelamat helikopter telah diterbangkan pendaki yang cedera dari kem pangkalan di Gunung Everest, menurut Reuters.
The first helicopter rescue mission has airlifted injured climbers from the base camp at Mount Everest, according to Reuters.
03:10 GMT:
Sepuluh daripada sejumlah 45 pelancong Czech masih hilang di Nepal berikutan gempa bumi Sabtu lalu, seorang jurucakap Kementerian Luar Republik, kata Michaela Lagronova.
Ten out of a total of 45 Czech tourists are still missing in Nepal following Saturday’s earthquake, a spokeswoman for the Czech Foreign Ministry, Michaela Lagronova said.
READ MORE: Top Google executive killed in Nepal quake, 100’s of foreign tourists missing (BACA lebih lanjut: Top eksekutif Google terbunuh dalam gempa Nepal, 100 ke atas pelancong asing yang hilang)
01:43 GMT:
Jumlah kematian telah meningkat kepada 1,805 dan satu lagi 4718 orang telah cedera akibat gempa bumi Nepal itu, seorang pegawai yang tidak dinamakan dari Kementerian Dalam Negeri Nepal kepada Reuters.
The death toll has risen to 1,805 and another 4,718 people have been injured as a result of the Nepal earthquake, an unnamed official from Nepal’s Home Ministry told Reuters.
01:00 GMT:
Gempa bumi yang mati tol kini telah mencapai 1500, Menteri Penerangan Nepal, Minendra Rijal memberitahu Times Sekarang saluran berita India.
The quake's death toll has now reached 1500, Nepal's Information Minister, Minendra Rijal told India's Times Now news channel.
00:50 GMT:
Satu lagi gegaran mencatatkan 4.5 pada skala Richter dicatatkan berhampiran Ramechhap, iaitu kira-kira 150 kilometer ke selatan timur Kathmandu. Gempa bumi itu berpusat pada kedalaman 10 kilometer. Sesetengah orang di Nepal telah bermalam di luar rumah mereka kerana yang merawat gempa susulan menurunkan lebih banyak bangunan dan menyebabkan lebih banyak kerosakan.
Another aftershock registering 4.5 on the Richter scale was recorded near Ramechhap, which is about 150 kilometers south east of Kathmandu. The quake centered at a depth of 10 kilometers. Some people in Nepal have been spending the night outside of their homes due to the treat of aftershocks bringing down more buildings and causing more damage.
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/wq8jvs