Borneo@WORK - Rakaman dramatik telah muncul yang menunjukkan masa gempa bumi maut 7.8 magnitud Nepal dikejutkan jiran Tibet. Awan besar debu ditunjukkan dalam video sebagai penduduk menjerit dan berlari untuk keselamatan.
Kuasa dan intensiti gempa bumi itu adalah jelas dalam rakaman goyah - yang telah difilemkan di telefon bimbit seorang penduduk - walaupun tapak video itu terletak 400 kilometer (249 batu) dari pusat gempa, menurut CCTV.
BACA lebih lanjut: rakaman Drone dramatik menunjukkan selepas gempa bumi maut Nepal READ MORE: Dramatic drone footage shows the aftermath of deadly Nepal earthquake
Beberapa penduduk seolah-olah pada mulanya keliru pada bunyi dan awan asap, manakala yang lain berjalan untuk keselamatan. Seorang lelaki - mungkin seorang bapa berjalan tangan-tangan dengan anak perempuannya - menangkap isterinya dan membawa keluarganya dari kawasan itu.
Sekurang-kurangnya satu orang lain boleh dilihat penggambaran bencana.
Satu letupan yang ke-2 bunyi bising dan asap awan kemudian melanda, menyebabkan lebih penggera.
Gempa maut melanda Nepal pada hari Sabtu. Kebanyakan kerosakan yang boleh dilihat di Kathmandu ibu negara, bangunan runtuh dan orang kiri dikebumikan di bawah runtuhan.
BACA lebih lanjut: Kerosakan di Nepal dianggarkan sehingga $ 10bn, boleh melebihi keseluruhan KDNK READ MORE: Damage in Nepal estimated up to $10bn, may exceed entire GDP
Sekurang-kurangnya 4,400 terbunuh dalam bencana itu, walaupun Perdana Menteri di negara ini berkata angka kematian boleh mencecah 10,000, maklumat dari kampung-kampung terpencil masih belum datang.
8 juta orang telah terjejas oleh gempa bumi itu - lebih daripada 1/4 daripada penduduk Nepal - mengikut PBB.
Avalanche of dust: Survivor captures moment Nepal’s 7.8 quake hits Tibet (VIDEO)
Dramatic footage has emerged showing the moment Nepal's deadly 7.8 magnitude earthquake jolted neighboring Tibet. Huge clouds of dust are shown in the video as residents scream and run for safety.
The power and intensity of the quake is apparent in the shaky footage – which was filmed on a resident's cellphone – though the site of the video was located 400 kilometers (249 miles) from the epicenter, according to CCTV.
Some residents seem initially confused at the noise and clouds of smoke, while others run for safety. A man – presumably a father walking hand-in-hand with his daughter – grabs his wife and leads his family away from the area.
At least one other person can be seen filming the disaster.
A second blast of noise and smoke clouds later hits, prompting more alarm.
The deadly quake hit Nepal on Saturday. Most of the damage could be seen in the capital Kathmandu, as buildings collapsed and left people buried under the rubble.
At least 4,400 were killed in the disaster, though the country's prime minister says the death toll could reach 10,000, as information from remote villages has yet to come in.
Eight million people have been affected by the quake – more than a quarter of Nepal's population – according to the UN.