i.Borneo - Lebih daripada 61 % peratus daripada rakyat Yunani telah mengundi "Tidak" di referendum Ahad ini mengenai langkah-langkah perjanjian bailout dan penjimatan, lapor Kementerian Dalam Negeri selepas 100 % peratus undi telah dikira.
MORE than 61% of Greeks say 'No' in crucial bailout referendum - final tally . . .
More than 61 percent of Greeks have voted “No” in Sunday’s referendum on the bailout deal and austerity measures, reported the Interior Ministry after 100 percent of the vote had been counted.
READ MORE: Greece votes in bailout referendum LIVE UPDATES (Greece undi dalam bailout referendum TERKINI LIVE)
BREAKING: 100% of #Greferendum ballots counted, NO (#OXI) at 61,31 and YES (#NAI) at 38,69 % 7:55 AM - 6 Jul 2015
Beribu-ribu orang turun ke persegi Syntagma di hadapan Parlimen Yunani di Athens untuk meraikan undi 'Tidak', yang dipanggil "Ya besar untuk demokratik Eropah" oleh menteri kewangan negara, Yanis Varoufakis.
"Sehingga hari ini, dengan ini 'Tidak' rakyat Yunani berani menyerahkan kami. . . kami akan menghulurkan bantuan kepada pemberi pinjaman kami. Kami pula akan memanggil mereka masing-masing untuk mencari titik persamaan. Sehingga esok, Eropah, yang hatinya menewaskan di Greece malam ini, yang bermula untuk menyembuhkan luka, yang luka, "kata Varoufakis, seperti yang dipetik oleh Reuters.
Perdana Menteri Yunani Alexis Tsipras memuji 'Tidak' mengundi bagi referendum itu dengan berkata bahawa kerajaannya bersedia untuk kembali ke rundingan dengan pemiutang dengan segera supaya bank-bank di negara ini boleh dibuka semula.
"Dengan keadaan sukar yang berlaku hari ini, anda membuat pilihan yang sangat berani," kata Tsipras dalam ucapan di televisyen kepada orang-orang Yunani.
"Saya sedar mandat yang anda berikan kepada saya tidak salah satu yang pecah dengan Eropah tetapi mandat untuk memperkuat posisi kami untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian yang berdaya maju," katanya.
Ketua perunding Greece, Euclid Tsakalotos, melahirkan keyakinan bahawa, terima kasih kepada keputusan referendum ini, negara akan kini dapat mencapai persetujuan dengan pemiutang EU-IMF dengan cepat.
"Perkara pertama adalah bahawa laporan IMF itu membuktikan bahawa hutang [beban] tidak berdaya maju, dan kedua bahawa terdapat satu mandat popular yang baru, sebab ia akan kelihatan daripada hasil yang jelas referendum," Tsakalotos kepada TV STAR tempatan.
Pegawai Yunani tidak membincangkan pengenalan mata wang selari di negara ini, katanya.
Thousands of people took to Syntagma square in front of the Greek parliament in Athens to celebrate the ‘No’ vote, which was called “a big Yes to democratic Europe” by the country’s finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis.
“As of tomorrow, with this brave ‘No’ the Greek people handed us . . . we will extend a helping hand towards our lenders. We will call on each one of them to find common ground. As of tomorrow, Europe, whose heart is beating in Greece tonight, is starting to heal its wounds, our wounds,” Varoufakis said, as cited by Reuters.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras praised the ‘No’ vote in the referendum, saying that his government is ready to return to negotiations with creditors immediately so that the country’s banks could re-open.
“With the difficult circumstances prevailing today you made a very brave choice,” Tsipras said in a televised address to Greeks.
“I’m fully aware the mandate you gave me is not one of a rupture with Europe but a mandate to strengthen our negotiating position to seek a viable solution,” he added.
Greece’s chief negotiator, Euclid Tsakalotos, expressed confidence that, thanks to the referendum’s result, the country would now be able to reach an agreement with its EU-IMF creditors quickly.
“The first thing is that the IMF report proves that the debt [load] is not viable, and secondly that there is a new popular mandate, as it would seem from the apparent result of the referendum,” Tsakalotos told local STAR TV.
Greek officials are not discussing the introduction of a parallel currency in the country, he added.
Anti-penjimatan pengundi 'Tidak' meraikan di hadapan Zappeion di Athens, Greece Jul 5, 2015 (Anti-austerity 'No' voters celebrate in front of the Zappeion in Athens, Greece July 5, 2015 (Reuters/Jean-Paul Pelissier)
Menteri Ekonomi Jerman, Sigmar Gabriel, berkata bahawa keputusan referendum telah "dirobohkan di jambatan lepas di mana Greece dan Eropah boleh bergerak ke arah kompromi."
"Dengan penolakan peraturan zon euro. . . rundingan mengenai program bernilai berbilion adalah hampir tidak dapat difikirkan, "Gabriel memberitahu akhbar Tagesspiegel.
"Tsipras dan kerajaannya memimpin rakyat Yunani di atas jalan yang ditinggalkan pahit dan putus asa," tegas beliau.
"Tsipras dan kerajaannya memimpin rakyat Yunani di atas jalan yang ditinggalkan pahit dan putus asa," tegas beliau.
Kata-kata menteri itu telah disuarakan oleh ketua bank simpanan persatuan Jerman (DSGV), Georg Fahrenschon, yang menyimpulkan bahawa Greece kini perlu meninggalkan blok euro.
Walau bagaimanapun, Menteri Luar Itali, Paolo Gentiloni, menggesa EU untuk terus mencari jalan tengah dengan Greece, walaupun penduduk negara ini menolak syarat bailout Troika ini.
German economy minister, Sigmar Gabriel, said that the results of the referendum had “torn down the last bridges on which Greece and Europe could have moved towards a compromise.”
“With the rejection of the rules of the eurozone . . . negotiations about a program worth billions are barely conceivable,” Gabriel told Tagesspiegel paper.
“Tsipras and his government are leading the Greek people on a path of bitter abandonment and hopelessness,” he stressed.
“Tsipras and his government are leading the Greek people on a path of bitter abandonment and hopelessness,” he stressed.
The minister’s words were echoed by the head of Germany’s savings bank association (DSGV), Georg Fahrenschon, who concluded that Greece must now leave the euro bloc.
However, Italy’s foreign minister, Paolo Gentiloni, urged the EU to keep looking for middle ground with Greece, despite the country’s population rejecting the Troika’s bailout terms.
Against fascism, against capitalism - 30 communists march around Syntagma Square #GRefenrendum #GreeceCrisis
"Kini ia adalah hak untuk mula cuba untuk perjanjian lagi. Tetapi tidak ada melarikan diri dari labirin Yunani dengan Eropah yang lemah yang tidak berkembang, "Gentiloni menulis di Twitter.
Hasil referendum Yunani disebabkan penurunan mendadak dalam euro pada Isnin. Euro jatuh 1.4 % peratus berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat kepada $ 1,0955, dan 2.1 % peratus berbanding yen kepada ¥ 133,50.
"Tidak" kemenangan telah diramalkan oleh beberapa undian pendapat, termasuk GPO, Analisis Metron dan MRB, yang keputusannya dikeluarkan selepas pemilihan ditutup.
“Now it is right to start trying for an agreement again. But there is no escape from the Greek labyrinth with a weak Europe that isn’t growing,” Gentiloni wrote on Twitter.
The outcome of the Greek referendum caused a sharp drop in the euro on Monday. The euro fell 1.4 percent against the US dollar to $1.0955, and 2.1 percent against the yen to 133.50 yen.
The “No” victory was predicted by several opinion polls, including GPO, Metron Analysis and MRB, whose results were released after the polls closed.
READ MORE: From ‘historic vote’ for Greece's Syriza to #Greferendum: INTERACTIVE TIMELINE (Dari 'undi bersejarah' untuk Syriza Greece untuk #Greferendum: waktu kurun INTERAKTIF)
Penyokong "Ya" undi berhujah bahawa "Tidak" undi boleh membawa kepada keluar Greece dari zon Euro, dan berpotensi EU.
Proponents of the“Yes”vote argued that a“No”vote may lead to Greece’s exit from the Eurozone, and potentially the EU.
Now: Greeks gathering to celebrate in #Syntagma square in #Athens as #OXI(NO) hits 61%. pic.twitter.com/5yTmw2bpyJ via @g_mastropavlos #Greece
Rundingan antara Greece dan Troika telah terhenti sejak Jun, selepas Eurogroup enggan memanjangkan program bantuan kewangan untuk Greece atau bayaran kelewatan hutang lebih awal.
Greece, yang telah krisis sejak 2009, sepatutnya membuat bayaran pinjaman IMF sebanyak €1.6 billion sebanyak 30 Jun tetapi gagal berbuat demikian. Ia diperlukan untuk membuat satu lagi bayaran utama €3.5 billionuntuk ECB pada 20 Julai.
The talks between Greece and the Troika have been stalled since June, after the Eurogroup declined to prolong a financial aid program for Greece or delay payments on earlier debts.
Greece, which has been in crisis since 2009, was supposed to make an IMF loan payment of €1.6 billion by June 30 but failed to do so. It is required to make another major payment of €3.5 billion to the ECB on July 20.
Anti-penjimatan pengundi 'Tidak' meraikan keputusan pemilihan keluar pertama di hadapan Parlimen Yunani di Syntagma Square di Athens, Greece 5 Jul 2015 (Anti-austerity 'No' voters celebrate the results of the first exit polls in front of the Greek parliament in Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece July 5, 2015 (Reuters/Marko Djurica)
Presiden Perancis Francois Belanda dan Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel akan mengadakan mesyuarat pada Isnin untuk membincangkan akibat referendum Yunani, kata satu kenyataan daripada istana Elysee.
"Mesyuarat itu adalah sebahagian daripada berterusan kerjasama antara Perancis dan Jerman untuk mencari penyelesaian tahan lama di Greece," kata kenyataan itu.
Menteri Kewangan greek Yanis Varoufakis akan mengadakan perbincangan dengan bank-bank negara di kemudian hari Ahad, seorang pegawai Kementerian Kewangan kepada Reuters.
France’s President Francois Holland and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold a meeting on Monday to discuss the consequences of the Greek referendum, said a statement from Elysee palace.
“The meeting is part of the constant co-operation between France and Germany to find a durable solution in Greece,” said the statement.
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis will hold talks with nation’s bankers later on Sunday, a finance ministry official told Reuters.