Tuesday, July 7, 2015

SETAHUN selepas Perang Gaza, Palestin masih hidup di tengah-tengah runtuhan, beribu-ribu kehilangan tempat tinggal

i.Borneo Sudah setahun sejak Israel melancarkan serangan terhadap Gaza, membunuh beribu-ribu orang, merosakkan dan memusnahkan rumah mereka. RT yang Lizzie Phelan telah melawat wilayah yang dikepung, menyaksikan bagaimana orang masih hidup di tengah-tengah runtuhan perang.

Somaya, seorang penduduk sebuah bandar timur di jalur Gaza yang terletak berhampiran sempadan Israel, terpaksa mencari mana-mana bit dan keping untuk bahan api memasak, termasuk kadbod dan kayu dari rumah bekas sementara.

"Adalah lebih baik untuk hidup dalam khemah, di tengah-tengah runtuhan rumah saya sendiri daripada di sini," kata beliau. "Saya punyai impian bahawa saya kembali di rumah tetapi kemudian saya bangun dan sedar saya yang tinggal di sebuah container."

Beribu-ribu penduduk Gaza dengan teliti memelihara bulan suci Islam Ramadan di tengah-tengah runtuhan rumah mereka, Phelan menyatakan dari Gaza. Malah akan berdoa telah menjadi lebih keras, seperti peluru berpandu Israel melanda masjid - dan sedikit dari apa yang telah dimusnahkan telah dibina semula.

1 YEAR After GAZA War, Palestinians still live amid ruins, thousands HOMELESS . . .

It has been a year since Israel launched its offensive against Gaza, killing thousands of people, damaging and destroying their homes. RT’s Lizzie Phelan has visited the besieged enclave, witnessing how people still live amid the rubble of war.

Somaya, a resident of an eastern town in the Gaza strip located near the Israeli border, is forced to find any bits and pieces for cooking fuel, including cardboard and wood from the temporary container home.

“It would be better to live in a tent, amid the ruins of my own home than here,” she says. “I have dreams that I am back at home but then I wake up and realize I am living in a container.”

Thousands of Gazans are observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan amid the rubble of their homes, Phelan reports from Gaza. Even going to pray has become harder, as Israel’s missiles hit mosques – and little of what was destroyed has been rebuilt.

Masjid sasaran peluru berpandu #Israeli tahun lepas di #Gaza masih terletak dalam runtuhan (Mosques targeted by #Israeli missiles last year in #Gaza still lay in ruins) 21:18 - 5 июля 2015

"Ini adalah keadaan yang paling teruk kemanusiaan Gaza yang pernah disaksikan," Amjad Shawa Y., ketua pejabat Palestin NGO Network, memberitahu RT.

"Satu tahun selepas perang, runtuhan masih di jalan-jalan. Ini adalah runtuhan ribu rumah Gaza. Berpuluh-puluh ribu keluarga hidup pada bulan Ramadan di bawah runtuhan rumah-rumah mereka."

Israel melancarkan serangan ketenteraan terhadap Hamas di Semenanjung Gaza, yang digelar "Operasi Kelebihan Perlindungan " pada 8 Julai, 2014. Operasi, yang adalah sebagai membalas dendam tembakan roket Hamas, meragut nyawa beberapa 2251 rakyat Palestin, kebanyakannya orang awam, dan 72 Israel, menurut PBB. Perang 50 hari musnah atau rosak 18,000 rumah. Pembinaan semula telah terhenti oleh sekatan sempadan dan ketegangan politik.

"Tentera Israel memusnahkan rumah kita dengan serangan udara dan kemudian meratakan kawasan keseluruhan," kata seorang penduduk Timur Gaza, Abu Mohamad Kadaih, memberitahu RT.

"Orang ramai telah berjanji bahawa rumah mereka akan dibina semula tetapi itu tidak pernah berlaku. Kita tidak boleh membina semula diri kita kerana perang meninggalkan kita dengan tiada apa-apa lagi yang tinggal. "

“This is the worst humanitarian condition that Gaza has ever witnessed,” Amjad Y. Shawa, head of the office of the Palestinian NGO Network, told RT.

“One year after the war, the rubble is still on the streets. This is the rubble of thousands of Gaza houses. Tens of thousands of families are living during Ramadan under the rubble of their houses.”

Israel launched its military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, which it dubbed “Operation Protective Edge” on July 8, 2014. The operation, which was in retaliation to Hamas rocket fire, claimed the lives of some 2,251 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and 72 Israelis, according to the UN. The 50-day war destroyed or damaged 18,000 homes. The rebuilding has been stalled by border restrictions and political tensions.

“The Israeli military destroyed our homes with airstrikes and then bulldozed entire neighborhoods,” a resident of East Gaza, Abu Mohamad Kadaih, told RT.

“People were promised that their homes would be rebuilt but that never happened. We can’t rebuild ourselves because the war left us with nothing.”

Orang yang rumahnya telah dibom oleh #Israel hidup di dalam bekas dan dalam containers menghalang haba pada satu tahun (People whose homes were bombed by #Israel living in containers and tents in stifling heat one year on). #Gaza

Hanya dengan Baker fam yang kehilangan 4 kanak-kanak 2 roket Israel sebagai mereka bermain football.1yr FWD penderitaan mereka menjadi lebih teruk setiap hari (Just with Baker fam who lost 4 kids 2 Israeli rockets as they played football.1yr fwd their agony gets worse each day)

Menurut laporan Isnin oleh amal kanak-kanak, global menyelamatkan kanak-kanak, kira-kira 100,000 penduduk di Gaza masih tiada tempat tinggal.

Laporan itu berkata, menurut anggaran terkini, beberapa 551 kanak-kanak terbunuh dalam serangan Israel, manakala 3436 cedera dan kira-kira 1,500 kehilangan ibu bapa mereka.

"Ramai kanak-kanak di Gaza kini hidup dalam 3 perang dalam tempoh 7 tahun yang lalu, yang terakhir terkenal kerana kekejaman itu. Mereka adalah emosi dan, dalam beberapa kes, dari segi fizikal berkecai, "kata Carolyn Miles, Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Save the Children.

According to a report Monday by global children's charity Save the Children, around 100,000 people in Gaza are still homeless.

The report added that, according to the latest estimates, some 551 children were killed during Israel’s offensive, while 3,436 were injured and an estimated 1,500 lost their parents.

“Many children in Gaza have now lived through three wars in the past seven years, the last one notable for its brutality. They are emotionally and, in some cases, physically shattered,” said Carolyn Miles, president and CEO of Save the Children.

Laporan itu berkata bahawa majoriti kanak-kanak, sehingga 75 peratus menunjukkan tanda-tanda tekanan emosi yang teruk, termasuk tahap kencing malam dan mimpi buruk. Sementara itu, 89 peratus daripada ibu bapa melaporkan bahawa anak-anak mereka mengalami perasaan takut yang konsisten, dan lebih daripada 70 peratus kanak-kanak berkata, mereka bimbang tentang peperangan lain.

The report said that the majority of children, up to 75 percent are showing signs of severe emotional distress, including high levels of bed wetting and nightmares. Meanwhile, 89 percent of parents reported that their children suffer consistent feelings of fear, and more than 70 percent of children said they worried about another war.

READ MORE: ‘I feel only pain’: Gaza children suffer emotional trauma one year after war - report ('Saya rasa sakit hanya': kanak-kanak Gaza mengalami trauma emosi satu tahun selepas perang) http://on.rt.com/me2c5d

"Kami melihat rumah kami musnah. Saya menangis kerana kita mempunyai kenangan dan impian di sana, dari hari kelahiran kita. Kenangan, gambar, pakaian, mainan saya . . . semuanya hilang. Saya tidak boleh hidup, saya hanya berasa kesakitannya," ‘Charity quoted’ (amal) yang memetik seorang gadis berusia 12 tahun sebagai berkata.

Laporan PBB terkini, yang diterbitkan pada bulan Jun, menuduh kedua-dua Israel dan kumpulan bersenjata Palestin jenayah perang mungkin semasa konflik Gaza 2014, menyeru kemusnahan yang "belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya."

"Tahap kemusnahan dan penderitaan manusia di Gaza adalah belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan akan memberi kesan kepada generasi akan datang," pengerusi suruhanjaya itu, New York hakim Mary McGowan Davis, berkata dalam satu kenyataannya.

"We saw our home being destroyed. I was crying because we have memories and dreams there, from the day of our birth. My memories, pictures, clothes, toys ... everything is gone. I can't live, I only feel pain," the charity quoted a 12-year-old girl as saying.

The latest UN report, published in June, has accused both Israel and Palestinian armed groups of possible war crimes during the 2014 Gaza conflict, calling the devastation “unprecedented.”

“The extent of the devastation and human suffering in Gaza was unprecedented and will impact generations to come,” the commission’s chairwoman, New York judge Mary McGowan Davis, said in a statement.

READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/c9c64s

RUMAH dibahagikan: Israel, Palestin hidup di bawah bumbung yg sama Hebron, hanya dipisahkan oleh dinding BATA . . .

i.Borneo Bahagian-bahagian di antara Palestin dan Israel mungkin mana-mana seperti yang dibuktikan sebagai dalam sebuah rumah di kota Hebron. 2 keluarga tinggal di dalamnya, dipisahkan oleh dinding bata, kehidupan mereka sebagai orang-orang selain sebagai 2 negara mereka, RT Paula Slier melaporkan.

Hebron adalah satu-satunya bandar Tebing Barat yang tidak dikembalikan sepenuhnya kepada bidang kuasa Pihak Berkuasa Palestin dengan Israel. Kira-kira 20 % peratus daripada jumlah itu, sektor H2, ditadbir oleh pentadbiran Israel. Sektor ini adalah rumah kepada beberapa ratus peneroka Yahudi tertumpu di bandar lama, dan juga penduduk yang menurun ribu rakyat Palestin, yang diasingkan daripada jiran Yahudi mereka dengan pasukan keselamatan IDF.

Paula Slier melawat sebuah rumah di kota lama Hebron, di mana Palestin dan keluarga Israel hidup bersama-sama, atau lebih tepat di kawasan yang sama dipisahkan hanya oleh dinding bata. Dinding adalah sebahagian daripada ruang tamu keluarga Israel dan tangga keluarga Palestin.

House divided: Israelis, Palestinians live under same Hebron roof, separated by brick wall . . .

The divisions between Palestinians and Israelis are probably nowhere as evident as in one house in the city of Hebron. Two families live in it, separated by a brick wall, their lives as apart as those of their two nations, RT’s Paula Slier reported.

Hebron is the only West Bank city that was not fully returned to the Palestinian Authority’s jurisdiction by Israel. About 20 percent of it, sector H2, is governed by an Israeli administration. The sector is home to several hundred Jewish settlers concentrated in the old city, as well as a declining population of thousands of Palestinians, who are kept apart from their Jewish neighbors by IDF security forces.

READ MORE: Israel to be fully encircled with hi-tech fence (Israel akan kepung sepenuhnya dengan pagar hi-tech)

Paula Slier visited a home in Hebron’s old city, where a Palestinian and an Israeli family live together, or rather in the same compound separated by a brick wall. The wall is part of the Israeli family’s living room and the Palestinian family’s stairway.

Paula Slier visits the Palestinian part of a Hebron house divided between two families. Screenshot from RT video (Paula Slier melawat bahagian Palestin di sebuah rumah Hebron dibahagikan antara 2 keluarga. Screenshot daripada video RT)

"Sebelum ini saya pernah mengenali mereka, mereka digunakan untuk membuat masalah," Batya peneroka Israel berkata negara-negara jiran itu. "Saya terpaksa menelefon polis banyak, tentera. Rakyat Palestin digunakan untuk cuba untuk mendapatkan lebih dekat dengan kita, untuk sampai kepada kita, untuk memecah masuk ke dalam kejiranan dari bumbung, dari tingkap. Ia adalah sangat tidak menyenangkan."

"In the past I used to know them, they used to make trouble,” Israeli settler Batya said of her neighbors. “I had to call the police a lot, the army. The Palestinians used to try to get closer to us, to reach us, to break into the neighborhood from the roof, from the windows. It was very unpleasant."

Paula Slier visits the Israeli part of a Hebron house divided between two families. Screenshot from RT video Screenshot from RT video (Paula Slier melawat sebahagian Israel di sebuah rumah Hebron dibahagikan antara dua keluarga. Screenshot dari RT video Screenshot daripada video RT)

Rakan di belakang dinding adalah sama-sama menyedari kehidupan jirannya itu.

"Saya tidak tahu apa-apa tentang kehidupan mereka. Mereka tinggal di sana. Saya tidak tahu apa-apa lagi," kata beliau.

Rupa-rupanya, satu-satunya keluarga yang berkongsi pandangan dari atas bumbung, kerana mereka tidak berinteraksi antara satu sama lain, Slier dilaporkan. Dan apa yang mereka paling sering lihat ialah kehadiran polis yang berat di kawasan itu, yang menunjukkan bahawa keamanan adalah tempat untuk ditemui di tempat ini.

Tontoni laporan Paula Slier untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.

Her counterpart behind the wall is equally oblivious to her neighbor’s life.

"I don't know anything about their lives. They live there. I don't know any more," she said.

Apparently, the only thing the families share is the view from the rooftop, as they don’t interact with each other, Slier reported. And what they most often see is the heavy police presence in the neighborhood, indicating that peace is nowhere to be found in this place.

Watch Paula Slier’s report to find out more.

READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/ffbqbx 

LEBIH daripada 61% daripada Rakyat Yunani mengatakan 'Tidak' dalam referendum bailout penting - tally Akhir

i.Borneo Lebih daripada 61 % peratus daripada rakyat  Yunani telah mengundi "Tidak" di referendum Ahad ini mengenai langkah-langkah perjanjian bailout dan penjimatan, lapor Kementerian Dalam Negeri selepas 100 % peratus undi telah dikira.

MORE than 61% of Greeks say 'No' in crucial bailout referendum - final tally . . .

More than 61 percent of Greeks have voted “No” in Sunday’s referendum on the bailout deal and austerity measures, reported the Interior Ministry after 100 percent of the vote had been counted.

READ MORE: Greece votes in bailout referendum LIVE UPDATES (Greece undi dalam bailout referendum TERKINI LIVE)

BREAKING: 100% of #Greferendum ballots counted, NO (#OXI) at 61,31 and YES (#NAI) at 38,69 % 7:55 AM - 6 Jul 2015

Beribu-ribu orang turun ke persegi Syntagma di hadapan Parlimen Yunani di Athens untuk meraikan undi 'Tidak', yang dipanggil "Ya besar untuk demokratik Eropah" oleh menteri kewangan negara, Yanis Varoufakis.

"Sehingga hari ini, dengan ini 'Tidak' rakyat Yunani berani menyerahkan kami. . . kami akan menghulurkan bantuan kepada pemberi pinjaman kami. Kami pula akan memanggil mereka masing-masing untuk mencari titik persamaan. Sehingga esok, Eropah, yang hatinya menewaskan di Greece malam ini, yang bermula untuk menyembuhkan luka, yang luka, "kata Varoufakis, seperti yang dipetik oleh Reuters.

Perdana Menteri Yunani Alexis Tsipras memuji 'Tidak' mengundi bagi referendum itu dengan berkata bahawa kerajaannya bersedia untuk kembali ke rundingan dengan pemiutang dengan segera supaya bank-bank di negara ini boleh dibuka semula.

"Dengan keadaan sukar yang berlaku hari ini, anda membuat pilihan yang sangat berani," kata Tsipras dalam ucapan di televisyen kepada orang-orang Yunani.

"Saya sedar mandat yang anda berikan kepada saya tidak salah satu yang pecah dengan Eropah tetapi mandat untuk memperkuat posisi kami untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian yang berdaya maju," katanya.

Ketua perunding Greece, Euclid Tsakalotos, melahirkan keyakinan bahawa, terima kasih kepada keputusan referendum ini, negara akan kini dapat mencapai persetujuan dengan pemiutang EU-IMF dengan cepat.

"Perkara pertama adalah bahawa laporan IMF itu membuktikan bahawa hutang [beban] tidak berdaya maju, dan kedua bahawa terdapat satu mandat popular yang baru, sebab ia akan kelihatan daripada hasil yang jelas referendum," Tsakalotos kepada TV STAR tempatan.

Pegawai Yunani tidak membincangkan pengenalan mata wang selari di negara ini, katanya.

Thousands of people took to Syntagma square in front of the Greek parliament in Athens to celebrate the ‘No’ vote, which was called “a big Yes to democratic Europe” by the country’s finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis.

“As of tomorrow, with this brave ‘No’ the Greek people handed us . . . we will extend a helping hand towards our lenders. We will call on each one of them to find common ground. As of tomorrow, Europe, whose heart is beating in Greece tonight, is starting to heal its wounds, our wounds,” Varoufakis said, as cited by Reuters.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras praised the ‘No’ vote in the referendum, saying that his government is ready to return to negotiations with creditors immediately so that the country’s banks could re-open.

“With the difficult circumstances prevailing today you made a very brave choice,” Tsipras said in a televised address to Greeks.

“I’m fully aware the mandate you gave me is not one of a rupture with Europe but a mandate to strengthen our negotiating position to seek a viable solution,” he added.

Greece’s chief negotiator, Euclid Tsakalotos, expressed confidence that, thanks to the referendum’s result, the country would now be able to reach an agreement with its EU-IMF creditors quickly.

“The first thing is that the IMF report proves that the debt [load] is not viable, and secondly that there is a new popular mandate, as it would seem from the apparent result of the referendum,” Tsakalotos told local STAR TV.

Greek officials are not discussing the introduction of a parallel currency in the country, he added.

Anti-penjimatan pengundi 'Tidak' meraikan di hadapan Zappeion di Athens, Greece Jul 5, 2015 (Anti-austerity 'No' voters celebrate in front of the Zappeion in Athens, Greece July 5, 2015 (Reuters/Jean-Paul Pelissier)

Menteri Ekonomi Jerman, Sigmar Gabriel, berkata bahawa keputusan referendum telah "dirobohkan di jambatan lepas di mana Greece dan Eropah boleh bergerak ke arah kompromi."

"Dengan penolakan peraturan zon euro. . . rundingan mengenai program bernilai berbilion adalah hampir tidak dapat difikirkan, "Gabriel memberitahu akhbar Tagesspiegel.

"Tsipras dan kerajaannya memimpin rakyat Yunani di atas jalan yang ditinggalkan pahit dan putus asa," tegas beliau.

"Tsipras dan kerajaannya memimpin rakyat Yunani di atas jalan yang ditinggalkan pahit dan putus asa," tegas beliau.

Kata-kata menteri itu telah disuarakan oleh ketua bank simpanan persatuan Jerman (DSGV), Georg Fahrenschon, yang menyimpulkan bahawa Greece kini perlu meninggalkan blok euro.

Walau bagaimanapun, Menteri Luar Itali, Paolo Gentiloni, menggesa EU untuk terus mencari jalan tengah dengan Greece, walaupun penduduk negara ini menolak syarat bailout Troika ini.

German economy minister, Sigmar Gabriel, said that the results of the referendum had “torn down the last bridges on which Greece and Europe could have moved towards a compromise.”

“With the rejection of the rules of the eurozone . . . negotiations about a program worth billions are barely conceivable,” Gabriel told Tagesspiegel paper.

“Tsipras and his government are leading the Greek people on a path of bitter abandonment and hopelessness,” he stressed.

“Tsipras and his government are leading the Greek people on a path of bitter abandonment and hopelessness,” he stressed.

The minister’s words were echoed by the head of Germany’s savings bank association (DSGV), Georg Fahrenschon, who concluded that Greece must now leave the euro bloc.

However, Italy’s foreign minister, Paolo Gentiloni, urged the EU to keep looking for middle ground with Greece, despite the country’s population rejecting the Troika’s bailout terms.

Against fascism, against capitalism - 30 communists march around Syntagma Square #GRefenrendum #GreeceCrisis

"Kini ia adalah hak untuk mula cuba untuk perjanjian lagi. Tetapi tidak ada melarikan diri dari labirin Yunani dengan Eropah yang lemah yang tidak berkembang, "Gentiloni menulis di Twitter.

Hasil referendum Yunani disebabkan penurunan mendadak dalam euro pada Isnin. Euro jatuh 1.4 % peratus berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat kepada $ 1,0955, dan 2.1 % peratus berbanding yen kepada ¥ 133,50.

"Tidak" kemenangan telah diramalkan oleh beberapa undian pendapat, termasuk GPO, Analisis Metron dan MRB, yang keputusannya dikeluarkan selepas pemilihan ditutup.

“Now it is right to start trying for an agreement again. But there is no escape from the Greek labyrinth with a weak Europe that isn’t growing,” Gentiloni wrote on Twitter.

The outcome of the Greek referendum caused a sharp drop in the euro on Monday. The euro fell 1.4 percent against the US dollar to $1.0955, and 2.1 percent against the yen to 133.50 yen.

The “No” victory was predicted by several opinion polls, including GPO, Metron Analysis and MRB, whose results were released after the polls closed.

READ MORE: From ‘historic vote’ for Greece's Syriza to #Greferendum: INTERACTIVE TIMELINE (Dari 'undi bersejarah' untuk Syriza Greece untuk #Greferendum: waktu kurun INTERAKTIF) 

Penyokong "Ya" undi berhujah bahawa "Tidak" undi boleh membawa kepada keluar Greece dari zon Euro, dan berpotensi EU.

Proponents of the“Yes”vote argued that a“No”vote may lead to Greece’s exit from the Eurozone, and potentially the EU.

Now: Greeks gathering to celebrate in #Syntagma square in #Athens as #OXI(NO) hits 61%. pic.twitter.com/5yTmw2bpyJ via @g_mastropavlos #Greece

Rundingan antara Greece dan Troika telah terhenti sejak Jun, selepas Eurogroup enggan memanjangkan program bantuan kewangan untuk Greece atau bayaran kelewatan hutang lebih awal.

Greece, yang telah krisis sejak 2009, sepatutnya membuat bayaran pinjaman IMF sebanyak €1.6 billion sebanyak 30 Jun tetapi gagal berbuat demikian. Ia diperlukan untuk membuat satu lagi bayaran utama €3.5 billionuntuk ECB pada 20 Julai.

The talks between Greece and the Troika have been stalled since June, after the Eurogroup declined to prolong a financial aid program for Greece or delay payments on earlier debts.

Greece, which has been in crisis since 2009, was supposed to make an IMF loan payment of €1.6 billion by June 30 but failed to do so. It is required to make another major payment of €3.5 billion to the ECB on July 20.

Anti-penjimatan pengundi 'Tidak' meraikan keputusan pemilihan keluar pertama di hadapan Parlimen Yunani di Syntagma Square di Athens, Greece 5 Jul 2015 (Anti-austerity 'No' voters celebrate the results of the first exit polls in front of the Greek parliament in Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece July 5, 2015 (Reuters/Marko Djurica)

Presiden Perancis Francois Belanda dan Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel akan mengadakan mesyuarat pada Isnin untuk membincangkan akibat referendum Yunani, kata satu kenyataan daripada istana Elysee.

"Mesyuarat itu adalah sebahagian daripada berterusan kerjasama antara Perancis dan Jerman untuk mencari penyelesaian tahan lama di Greece," kata kenyataan itu.

Menteri Kewangan greek Yanis Varoufakis akan mengadakan perbincangan dengan bank-bank negara di kemudian hari Ahad, seorang pegawai Kementerian Kewangan kepada Reuters.

France’s President Francois Holland and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold a meeting on Monday to discuss the consequences of the Greek referendum, said a statement from Elysee palace.

“The meeting is part of the constant co-operation between France and Germany to find a durable solution in Greece,” said the statement.

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis will hold talks with nation’s bankers later on Sunday, a finance ministry official told Reuters.

READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/xnhsio

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